Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Im coming back with another interest post for the blog and another thing i like is candy it is like the best thing that is ever made i love candy if im not playing the game or watching TV im eating candy. But most candy im not suppose to eat because i have braces and the candy i like to eat could damage my braces but i don't care because nothing has happened to my braces yet so yeah. Some of my favorite candies are skittles lifesavers and gum i don't like hard candy that much cause that's the worst thing i can eat with my braces so no hard candy well that's it and that's all for now so bye.  


Friday, June 28, 2013

The other day i someone asked me one thing thing i couldn't live without i say video games because i love them but another thing i couldn't live without is music why because music makes the world go round i love music any kind actually except reggae music it just annoys me and anyone that listens to it i don't mind if i here some one blasting rap music down the street because im black and i mainly listen to rap but if someone is riding down the street blasting reggae music i have a problem with you but if your Jamaican then that's your culture then i can see that but if your not then your dumb pull up your window because i don't want to hear it go and annoy somebody else with stupid music i can barely understand but no offense to all of you out there that do like it i cant control what you listen to im just saying i don't like and that's it.  
So i know that i got some sports fans but if your a Boston Celtics fan your week must of sucked why because i bet you heard that doc river left and i bet you also herd that Paul pierce and Kevin garnett left the team so how. is this going to effect there team  who are the players that are going to fill the spots of Paul pierce and Kevin garnett will they be equal to the players that left our will they be even better to lead Boston to the championship. i dont think so the Boston Celtics are gonna crumble they only have rajon rondo left and i think he should just leave and go to a better team then there will be nothing left of the Celtics.   

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ps4 or Xbox one

there has been a lot of buzz going around saying that the Xbox one is gonna be better than the ps4 and im here to say that it isn't why because the Xbox is terrible the graphics suck the controllers are weird and the system its self just looks dumb and the ps3 doesn't the graphics are better the system looks sweet except the first one i have a slim and im just saying the Xbox copies of the PlayStation all the time. and plus if you have an Xbox im sure you are tired of paying for online so you should just switch on over to the PlayStation world and you never have to worry about paying for your online again.sure the Xbox plays music while your playing the game in my opinion i think that is stupid why do you wanna play the game with all the sound in it and play music at the same time i mean think twice about doing all that and im just saying the PlayStation has been making things for many generations and then the Xbox thinks it can come in the gaming world and take over everything and i say NO it cant and i will not stand for the Xbox is dumb and what is up with that red ring of death thing just another flaw of Microsoft you never heard of Sony having all that that's why there shouldn't even be an Xbox just sony making ps3 and ps4 games.


Some of favorite things do do is play the game my favorite system is the PlayStation of course because its better then the Xbox i love to play black ops 2 its one of my favorite war games and another game is wwe i am a huge wwe fan i know i know im a little old but who cares i don't care what anybody has to say about it.some other things i like to do is listen to music i love music i like listening to artists you might know by the names of chief keef ,lil Wayne drake, Tyler the creator and others. im not really a sports type of person but if i had to choose i would either pick basketball or football because those are the most exciting things to participate in our watch on TV. And something else you should know is im extremely good with kids my mom just had twins a boy and a girl at first i wasn't up to it but now im up to it and i love my baby brother and sister and i don't want anything to happen to them and im  sure that's how all of you feel about your family i don't know cause i don't live with you. you could probably hate every single person in your family but that's all for now till next time.


So I read that j.r smith turned down his 2.93 million dollar contract to play for the knicks next year but the question is. who would take him i think any team would be lucky to have smith because he is a big help and is a good scorer i think with the help of smith that team could probably be pretty successful .And another thing there saying that Dwight Howard is not re-signing with the Lakers next year but there was a poll on saying the Howard was either gonna go play for the hawks,mavericks,Lakers or the rockets or he would make the decision to not play with neither of those teams and pick one he wants to play for i think Howard should either stay with Lakers. Or go play for another team i mean don't get me wrong the Lakers are a good team but i think he could be more successful if he went to another team why i don't know just yet but i think i would be better for him if he just left the Lakers.