Friday, June 28, 2013

The other day i someone asked me one thing thing i couldn't live without i say video games because i love them but another thing i couldn't live without is music why because music makes the world go round i love music any kind actually except reggae music it just annoys me and anyone that listens to it i don't mind if i here some one blasting rap music down the street because im black and i mainly listen to rap but if someone is riding down the street blasting reggae music i have a problem with you but if your Jamaican then that's your culture then i can see that but if your not then your dumb pull up your window because i don't want to hear it go and annoy somebody else with stupid music i can barely understand but no offense to all of you out there that do like it i cant control what you listen to im just saying i don't like and that's it.  

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