Thursday, June 27, 2013


So I read that j.r smith turned down his 2.93 million dollar contract to play for the knicks next year but the question is. who would take him i think any team would be lucky to have smith because he is a big help and is a good scorer i think with the help of smith that team could probably be pretty successful .And another thing there saying that Dwight Howard is not re-signing with the Lakers next year but there was a poll on saying the Howard was either gonna go play for the hawks,mavericks,Lakers or the rockets or he would make the decision to not play with neither of those teams and pick one he wants to play for i think Howard should either stay with Lakers. Or go play for another team i mean don't get me wrong the Lakers are a good team but i think he could be more successful if he went to another team why i don't know just yet but i think i would be better for him if he just left the Lakers.     

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